3 Reasons To Use Foam Golf Balls For Practice

Are foam golf balls good for practice? These is a common question that is floating around in the mind of many golfers.


Yes, foam golf balls are great to practice and improve your golf swing.


3 Reasons To Use Foam Golf Balls For Practice

You need to practice consistently to develop a solid strike on the ball, but trouble usually arises when we realize that we have little space to do our business.


That’s why we choose to use foam golf balls, since it can work well in a limited space!


Foam golf balls are designed to be used in tighter spaces. They are generally light and cannot move long distances, giving you an easy time in recovering the balls. Light objects also present a lower risk of damaging objects, and that’s one of the biggest benefits of foam balls.


And foam golf balls can be used not only with drivers and woods, but irons and wedges as well.


With that said, foam golf balls are recommended as an option for practicing your swing for the following reasons:


1. Cost


You certainly don't have to break the bank to get a good supply of foam golf balls. They're relatively cheap and therefore most suitable to serve the purpose of practicing.


They're also very light, and you are assured of short distance traveled. It’s precisely the reason why it’s chosen for golf practice.


2. Ball flight imitation


3 Reasons To Use Foam Golf Balls For Practice 2

Foam golf balls, especially those with compressed cores like those under the Almost Golf brand name, are considered to mimic many of the traits of real golf balls.


They produce a feeling and an impact that somewhat resembles real golf balls. They also produce sound that resemble those produced when the club head hits a real ball.


With foam balls, you will really get the feeling that you're out on the range hitting range balls.


3. Durability


You can trust foam golf balls for a good practice session compared to the other practice balls such as plastic



With a foam golf ball, there is no fear of busting, crushing or deforming as is the case with plastic balls. Though foam balls can also get damaged and deformed, the chances of this are much more remote.


Almost Golf foam balls are recommended because of their lasting durability. They are a bit costly compared to other foam balls, but you have the benefit of longer-lasting quality.




Foam golf balls have their advantages and disadvantages over other types of balls, but overall, they are among the best for golf practice.


So go out, get some foam balls and go to town. Good luck!

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